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Museums Are Forever!

  • Howland Stone Store Museum 2956 State Route 34B Aurora, NY 13026 (map)

……or so we hope

Find out how museums and other non-profits in the area plan for their long-term future viability and how you can be a part of that success.

 Thomas M. Griffith, Interim President & CEO and VP of Development of the Central New York Community Foundation will speak about easy and beneficial ways individuals can incorporate charitable giving into their financial and estate plans. This includes accessible options for setting aside a portion of one’s assets, no matter the amount, for the benefit of Central New York charities to continue their impactful work. We will also share about ways anyone can leave a legacy behind for the benefit of both their families and the community through storytelling. This includes examples of community legacy stories and concepts that range from improving the family Thanksgiving table dialogue to writing your own story for future generations to learn from.


·      HSSM is pleased to offer this workshop along with our non-profit partners in Southern Cayuga County.

·      Free and open to all. Opendore will open at 3pm for museum visitors.

·      Zoom link available from the week before the program.